From Messed Up 2 Blessed Up by Dayna R. Lopez:
“Life gets messy and sometimes hard….embrace the process and enjoy the journey anyway!”
Dayna R. Lopez shares an amazing story of how God turned one family’s life from a chaotic mess into a blessing. Life can take us through twists and turns, but God can help us come out on the other side feeling blessed and stronger.
Product Details:
Print Length: 125 Pages
Publisher: Pen It! Publications, LLC (February 2, 2020)
Language: English
Global Library: Christian Families
Global Library: Christian Family & Relationships
Global Library: Biographies and Memoirs
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About The Author: Author Dayna Lopez is a woman who wears many hats. She is a wife of 18 years and mother to 3 teenage sons. She is an artist and entrepreneur in Charleston, SC and a children’s pastor at North Palm Community Church. She also teaches art and Spanish at Crown Leadership Academy, a local private school. She is an overcomer in every way and her greatest desire is to inspire hope and equip others to succeed.
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