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You Even Make My Dog Smile (B&W) by Janis Boyd


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You Even Make My Dog Smile by Author/Teacher Janis Boyd was a teacher for 39 years.  (We hear you gasping.)  Well, actually, it was 39 ½ years.  She remembers her first year teaching, and a fellow teacher told her it was her tenth year.  She nodded politely, but was thinking, “TEN YEARS!  How can anyone do this for TEN YEARS?” But, one year just leads into another and time goes by remarkably quickly.

Did she have a higher calling to mold young minds?  Not really.  Actually, she was only gifted in one area – shorthand.  Janis could take shorthand like the wind, and probably won an award or two.  Sadly, shortly after her golden days of shorthand, it became extinct.  So in college, she somehow drifted into elementary education.  Luckily, it worked out well.

This book is full of funny, heart-warming and memorable experiences that Janis has had in her many years teaching elementary education.  It is, by no means, all of the antidotes she could have put in this book, but they are enough.  Enough to make you laugh hysterically and hopefully want to share this book with others.

It is her hope, as well, that this book helps, and doesn’t scare other teachers from their “calling”.

Best of luck!

You Even Make My Dog Smile (B&W) by Janis Boyd


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