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Top Secret by Mary Ann Netherton (E-book)



Top Secret

An Interplanetary Novella



When Lieutenant Commander Sterns’ peaceful life on the planet Xmelladon is upended by news that he must travel to Earth, he is duty-bound to go.  He is ordered to  investigate why the species on a planet he has never heard of have gone rogue!  Earthlings had been banished from his planet centuries ago. So long ago, that most Xmelladon’s didn’t even remember them.

As Sterns travels across the Earth, searching for the rogues, he is surprised when he is suddenly attacked.  He suddenly slips off the radar and his superiors are as frustrated as they are concerned about his well-being.

Sterns has been captured and soon discovers there is a traitor amongst his own people.  A traitor who is controlling the savages, what will be his next move?

When he is rescued by his own kind, he realizes that the Xmelladon had attacked the savages and killed many. Those who survived would lay low for a while, but he knew that this was not the end and they would need all the help they could get!


Top Secret by Mary Ann Netherton (E-book)


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