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The ABCs of Cancer “According to Lilly Isabella Lane” by Terri Forehand



The ABCs of Cancer “According to Lilly Isabella Lane”

I created Lilly Isabella Lane from my heartfelt admiration and love for the children who fight the battle against cancer and other critical illness every day. Some of them I have personally cared for, prayed for, and shed tears for while others I may  never know. If you look and listen to Lilly’s story you will see Tatiana’s big brown eyes, MacKayla’s determination, Eugene’s positive outlook, Isabella’s beautiful smile, Brooke’s bright blossoms, and Ethan’s deep faith. And in Ben. Oh, in Ben you will see one of God’s greatest gifts and possibilities…the journey from battling cancer to remission and restored health.

May God touch every child who does this battle holding them tightly in His capable hands.


The ABCs of Cancer “According to Lilly Isabella Lane” by Terri Forehand


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