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Life Behind the Staffroom Door by Jody Lowe (Paperback)



Life Behind the Staffroom Door



Welcome to primary school teaching. 65-hour weeks, endless planning and relentless marking. Say goodbye to your weekends, friends and any ideas of work life balance and say hello to shopping for glitter, glue sticks and the  constant race to be ‘outstanding’.

Behind every door, in every primary school, sits a teacher. Over-worked, underpaid and underappreciated; their sole purpose is to provide engaging, exciting and relevant learning to children who will shape the future.

Where do those lesson ideas come from? Who ensures the quality of teaching and learning? Why is there such an emphasis placed on classroom displays and table plans?

Written during a global pandemic, where teaching took a dramatic change, the like of which has never been seen before, ‘Life Behind the Staffroom Door’ opens up the unseen areas of school and aims to change your perception of primary teaching. Brutally frank and written with tongue firmly in cheek, a former teacher reflects back on the good, the bad and the ugly of a role seen by many but understood by few.


Life Behind the Staffroom Door by Jody Lowe (Paperback)

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