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Baaad Sheep – When God’s People Let You Down by Ellen Gillette (E-Book)



Baaad Sheep – When God’s People Let You Down



“Are you ready to be challenged to be more honest, loving, patient, forgiving and quicker to ask for forgiveness? If so, Ellen Gillette’s study guide about recovering from disappointment in God’s family is for you. Her might, humor, and obvious experience in learning to love and forgive come through on every page.” 

Dr. Ken Dalton, Pastor, Crossroads Church, Wallace, NC 

“The pure and grace-filled message of scripture illumines case study of events that happen in every congregation. Instead of pat answers, readers will discover a firm foundation for exploration, discussion and healing. This workbook will be a healing balm for individuals who have been hurt by the all too self-centered actions of other church members. It will be an eye-opening guide of self-discover for all who wish to be more Christ-like, especially in their relationships with other brothers and sisters in Christ. It is hard to read a page and not recall a similar incident in your own experience, but instead of incrimination there is a solid path provided to transform the church and maybe even yourself.”

Dr. William C. Goodnight, retired Presbyterian minister, Wallace, NC


From Baaad Sheep…

“As a teenager, I was molested by a trusted family friend in our church. Over the years, I suffered from the gossip mill that routinely operates among congregations of all shapes and sizes. I’ve sought help and counsel from pastors and left wondering why I’d bothered. I know what it’s like to have someone at church say, ‘I’ll be there for you’ and then disappear. I know what it’s like to have Christian friends forsake me based on rumor or assumption — or even based on accurate information…to walk into church and not feel safe so that no one is able to catch me alone and inflict more pain. I know what it’s like to watch people be publicly affirmed as pillars of the congregation who have knowingly hurt me and my loved ones. It was at just such a point during a Sunday morning service, that my husband turned to me and said, simply, ‘I think we need to be somewhere else’. Unfortunately, ‘somewhere else’ can easily become nowhere at all…

“If you fall into the category of ‘formerly churched’, my prayer is that this study will encourage you to make the effort to step back into the fray. Strictly speaking, church attendance is an obedience issue, not to be treated lightly (see Hebrews 10:25), but more than that, it’s a ‘God thing’. Church isn’t full of perfect people, but it is full of people God wants us to learn to love. With all  the potential for hurt in the church, you’ve got to admit it does make the perfect classroom!”


Baaad Sheep – When God’s People Let You Down by Ellen Gillette (E-Book)


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